In Antarctica, a yellow robot is rolling up on the penguins. The mission of ROBOT ECHO is to observe how climate change affects the colonies from a vantage point about eye level with the birds. Scientists have already microchipped thousands of penguins to track their behavior and location, but it is nearly impossible to detect all of them every year. A robot could help. Although the penguins are cautious of people, they are not frightened by ECHO; it can approach them, take pictures, and collect tracking information without frightening them. It is time to act. According to some experts, the Emperor Penguin is likely to disappear within the next 100 years. Researchers hope the robot's data will help them better understand the penguin's plight and reverse it if possible.

在在南极洲,可爱的企鹅身边多了一个小伙伴——一台名叫ECHO的黄色机器人。 通过以与鸟类平视的视角,ECHO对q企鹅群进行观察,以探究气候变化如何该物种。 科学家们已经给很多的企鹅植入了芯片,以追踪它们的行为和位置,但仍不可能做到每年都对所有的企鹅进行检测。机器人ECHO可以提供帮助! 虽然企鹅对人敬而远之,但它们不会被ECHO吓到;ECHO可以随意接近小动物们,给它们拍照并收集跟踪记录。据专家估计,帝企鹅很可能在未来100年内消失。因此,研究人员希望机器人的数据将帮助他们更好地了解企鹅的困境,并在可能的情况下扭转这一局面。


Our second story is about technology helping count animals, such as elephants n Kenya. Kenya is home to vulnerable and endangered species. To help those animals, officers in Kenya need to get detailed information, such as the wildlife population and their precise distribution. Therefore, a wildlife census(counting) was launched. Planes, helicopters, boats, and trucks are deployed. And hundreds of camera traps and satellite collars were also asked for observation. With all the data collected, wildlife population trends and shifts in their distribution can be learned.

在在南极洲,可爱的企鹅身边多了一个小伙伴——一台名叫ECHO的黄色机器人。 通过以与鸟类平视的视角,ECHO对q企鹅群进行观察,以探究气候变化如何该物种。 科学家们已经给很多的企鹅植入了芯片,以追踪它们的行为和位置,但仍不可能做到每年都对所有的企鹅进行检测。机器人ECHO可以提供帮助! 虽然企鹅对人敬而远之,但它们不会被ECHO吓到;ECHO可以随意接近小动物们,给它们拍照并收集跟踪记录。据专家估计,帝企鹅很可能在未来100年内消失。因此,研究人员希望机器人的数据将帮助他们更好地了解企鹅的困境,并在可能的情况下扭转这一局面。

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