Fishy Fish Solve Math Problems

It might sound a little bit strange that fish can also add and subtract, right, but it's really there, the result of scientific experiments!


In many celebrations, balloons are released at the end. Balloons with metal coatings are very easy to conduct electricity, so flying them at will is dangerous.


Did you know that scientists have grown plants in dirt from the moon for the very first time? How cool!

Flying Jellyfish

You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain't never seen a jellyfish fly.


🙄 LET’S GUESS 🔑 KEYWORD NO.1:LIGHT COLOR 🔑KEYWORD NO.2:SAVE ENERGY 🎧 READ TO ME 🔖GLOSSARY absorb to take in in a natural way durian edible fruit; some people regard the durian as having a pleasantly sweet fragrance, whereas others find…


🙄 LET’S GUESS 🔑 KEYWORD NO.1:ANIMAL and Plants 🔑KEYWORD NO.2:DAWIN’s ISLAND 🎧 READ TO ME 🎯 BASIS Attention kids. Today’s story is for animal lovers. Wanna know why? ‘Cause we’re gonna talk about the Galapagos Islands. We’ll start by asking…

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