Libraries behind bars

In Bolivia, a new program called Books Behind Bars allows prisoners to leave prison earlier if they read. Many grown-ups in Bolivia's prisons do not know how to read or write because it is a relatively poor country. Participating in Books Behind Bars and passing the reading tests part of the program will make them literate. In return, the prisoners gain a valuable skill when they are released from prison. It is hoped to assist them in finding a job and staying out of trouble. So far, fewer than 1,000 prisoners are participating in the program.

在玻利维亚,一项名为 "狱中读书 "的新计划允许囚犯在完成阅读计划后提前出狱。玻利维亚是一个相对贫穷的国家,监狱中的许多成年人不识字。通过参加 "狱中读书 "项目并结合相关的阅读测试,可以使他们识字。这一宝贵的技能还能帮助囚犯们出狱后找到工作。到目前为止,只有不到1000名囚犯参加了该计划。


Biblioburro (The donkey library) is a traveling library that distributes books to patrons on the backs of two donkeys, Alfa and Beto. It was created by Luis Soriano in Colombia.

驴子图书馆是一个流动图书馆。它是由路易斯-索里亚诺在哥伦比亚创建的。 每到一处,路易斯会从阿尔法和贝托的背上取下图书分发给大家阅读。

Library Box

In California, a five-grade boy who enjoys reading, making art, and building things. During the pandemic, the boy completed something that improved his neighborhood. When Covid left him with some spare time, he combined three hobbies and made a library box outside of his house. It was soon filled with books for others to borrow. Since Arjun believes "every kid in the world should have access to reading." he is giving his book away for free on his Web site.

在加利福尼亚,有一个五年级的孩子,他喜欢阅读、制作艺术和建造东西。这个男孩做了一件事情提升了他所在的社区幸福感。Covid居家期间,空闲时间比较多,小男孩把他的三种爱好结合起来,在屋外做了一个图书馆盒子,盒子里装满了书,供别人借阅。Arjun认为 "世界上的每个孩子都应该有机会阅读。"他在自己的网站上也会免费赠送他自己写的书。

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