It might sound a little bit strange, but scientists in Germany claim they've taught stingrays to do the math. Scientists first tested whether or not these creatures could be trained to recognize the colors blue and yellow for addition and subtraction. Scientists showed them blue and yellow cards and had them add and subtract the number of symbols on each card. So what happened? It turned out they can do math up to number five pretty well.

虽然这件事情听上去有点奇怪,但是这真的是科学实验的结果! 最近,德国的科学家们声称他们已经教会黄貂鱼做数学了。在加减训练之前,科学家们首先帮助这些鱼儿学会识别蓝黄卡片,蓝色代表加法,黄色代表减法。接着,科学家开展了加减法颜色识别训练,通过展示蓝色卡片和黄色卡片,让这些鱼儿加减每张卡片上的符号数量。那么训练结果如何呢?“考试结果”表明,黄貂鱼可以很好地完成5以内的数学运算。

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