9.30 Carbon Dating

Did you ever wonder how scientists know a fossil is 10,000 years old or a piece of paper is 2,000 years old? They use a method called carbon dating. In this lesson you'll learn about carbon dating and how it works.

9.29 Stalactites & Stalagmites

Some caves have cool-looking formations called stalactites and stalagmites. Although they grow in different directions and may be different sizes and shapes, they are all formed by the same basic process. In this lesson, you will learn about these formations.

3.29 The Respiratory System

Learn about the respiratory system, the system of organs and structures in the body responsible for breathing. Discover the parts of the respiratory system and how the trachea, lungs, alveoli, and other parts work together in the breathing process.

3.28 The Muscular System

The muscular system protects the body and is responsible for the body's movement. Explore the muscular system, and learn about the three types of muscles, such as the skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscles.

1.29 Dependent Variable55

Dependent variables are one of three types of variables used in scientific experiments. Learn about the difference between dependent, independent, and control variables, and see how variables interact in an example of an experiment.

4.14 Acropolis Lesson

The Acropolis is an important part of the Greek city of Athens that was built on a hill. Come learn about the Acropolis, what buildings were built there, and some other cool facts about this place.

4.13 Golden Age of Greece

There was a time in ancient Greece when the cities were at peace. The government was strong and people were encouraged to follow their passions. Here you will learn about this important time in Greece's history.

4.12 Ancient Greek Clothes, Fashion, & Jewelry

Get to know the culture of ancient Greece through their clothes, fashion, and jewelry. Explore the characteristics of ancient Greek fashion, who wore dyed fabrics, and the three main items of clothing. Finally, discover the characteristics of popular jewelry.

4.15 Ancient Athens Democracy

The first democracy in the world was established in Athens over 2,500 years ago. Learn about how this government operated and how it continues to influence our country today in this lesson.

2.18 Bronze Age Ireland Facts: Lessons for Kids

0. Intro Travel in time with us to the Bronze Age of Ireland, which is considered the first great age in that nation. We’ll see how they first got bronze, how they lived, and why the Bronze Age ended. Qs:…

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