Toddler’s Order

The boy ordered himself 31 cheeseburgers on his mom's phone, who was just two years old. How did he achieve that?

Barbie Universe

What is your definition of beautiful? There's no definite answer. Everyone has their own personal style, color, and even disability. We should learn to accept and even appreciate these differences. We should understand and celebrate the importance of inclusion.

Girls’ Hobbies

Talking about girls' hobbies, what will come to your mind? Dressing Barbie? Combing hair? Or just gossip? Today, we will share some cool hobbies traditionally played chiefly by boys. Have a look!

Cart Mascot?

When it comes to mascots, your first thought is probably animals, like Bing Dundun. But this time, it is anything but!


Kids, what if I told you adults put an emoji stick on a forest. Yes, it's true, except that the emoji pattern is made out of trees with different shades of leaves.

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