11.32 The Nitrogen Cycle Lesson

The nitrogen cycle is essential for the survival of living organisms on our planet. Most nitrogen is contained in the Earth's atmosphere, and living organisms need a way to access that nitrogen. We will follow the cycle to understand how this happens.

4.17 Sparta Government

Sparta was not a democracy, but there are some similarities between the Spartan government and modern democracies. In this lesson, we will learn about the government of Sparta, how it was divided and who was in charge of governing the city.

4.16 Ancient Greek Schools

4.16 Ancient Greek Schools Lesson for Kids Did you know Ancient Greek kids went to school like you do? In this lesson you will learn about the Ancient Greek schools, the students who attended them, and what was learned during…

11.30 What is Global Warming

Learn about global warming, what this term means, and how it manifests in the environment. Discover how the Earth stays warm and what causes global warming. Finally, explore how global warming affects different plants and animals.

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