Two-Head Turtle

In Massachusetts, a turtle egg hatches after being cared for a while. It came out with two heads and six legs. The head has two spines, and each has its own breathing system and eating system. Mary-Kate and Ashley, healthy and growing twins, can swim together underwater. They come up to breathe when one of them needs air. The center won't release the turtle into the wild as it is unlikely to survive. It will be raised instead, and researchers will continue to study it.


Pink Turtle

There are not many Mary River turtles left in the wild in Australia since it's an endangered species. Also, they have cool nicknames. They are called 'punk turtles' because of their pointy chins and green mohawks made from algae. Another name for these turtles is 'bum-breathing' turtles because they can breathe through their bottoms for hours! They have gills on their backs that help them filter water and keep swimming for up to three hours. Bum-breathing turtles usually only live in a small section of the Mary River in Queensland, but some scientists recently found turtle nests elsewhere in the river. Until the eggs are ready to hatch, scientists must keep the new location of the nest a secret. Scientists can now study these newly discovered turtles, and the discovery means that more punky-breathing turtles exist in the wild than initially thought!

Mary River乌龟是濒危物种,它们生活在,已经所剩不多了。它们还有很酷的绰号。比如,人们称呼它们为'朋克龟',因为它们有尖尖的下巴和绿色头发。它们还有一个外号是'屁股呼吸',因为它们可以通过屁股呼吸!也正因为这个独特的呼吸方法,使得它们可以几个小时才换气一次!它们背上的鳃,可以帮助它们过滤水。这种乌龟通常只生活在昆士兰州玛丽河的一小段水域,但一些科学家最近在该河的其他地方发现了龟巢。一发现意味着野外存在的朋克海龟比最初想象的要多! 不过,在龟蛋准备孵化之前,科学家对龟巢位置保密。

Stowaway Turtle

When a turtle crossed a runway in Japan, it caused five flights to be delayed as it wandered aimlessly. Even though the reptile was only a foot long, its size was enough for the pilot to spot it on the runway before the plane took off from Narita Airport in Tokyo. All aircraft taxiing to the terminal was then ordered to halt while the control tower staff rounded up the turtle and swept the two-and-a-half-mile-long runway in search of any of its turtle companions


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